Monday, March 16, 2009

CMYKern check it out!

This website is pretty cool, it has everything from photography to typography to well anything print and design related. They even have some interesting books.This is a good site full of various design information.

What is Gluekit????

Hey guys!this is a cool website I thought you may be interested in.When your cursor skims over each tab it makes the super Mario brothers sound!It has some pretty cool graphic design and typography! :) 

Bureau of Labor Statistics

I recently read this on the bureau of labor statistics website, and found some of this information interesting.For example it shows that there will be an increase for designers who do web design as well as animation.According to the website, Employment of graphic designers is expected to grow 10 percent.check out the website, it has other interesting facts regarding current issues regarading Graphic Design and the employment rate.Here is the website:

Monday, January 26, 2009

A sense of connection in the design community

Graphic Design is  visual communication;to be able to communicate a thought,viewq or idea by means of various images. As designers we are able to get our ideas across through imagery.It is helpful and important that we not keep to ourselves,only Reading books,magazine,blogs,Internet,etc. but get out and connect with other like minded people within the design community.Or even not so like minded people;even if there are people w/in the design community you do not necessarily agree with in terms of aesthetic or ideas,inspiration can still arise. 
Getting involved and connected with other people in your field helps improve,motivate and inspire your own creative works,not to mention networking can lend a hand in this filed when it comes to employment!

Monday, January 5, 2009